data protection notice
We are here to help you find people on the date and the time when they are on the Internet, and on the same date, read and write, we will see you on the website. There are no questions about this time, and this information can be found here:
1. Erhebung and Verarbeitung von personenbezogenenen Daten a. Be such unserer Website :
- We'll see this website later, then use the server to automate the technology, use the IP-address, Browsertypes, and more. This date can also be used to view your status and verify your website.
b. Bei Nutzung von Kontaktformularen: - Wenn Sie unsere Kontaktformulare ausfüllen, erfassen wir die von Ihnen eingegebenenen Daten (z. B. Name, E-Mail-Adresse, Nachricht). This date we were born with the bear beitung Ihrer verwendet und nicht ohne Ihre ausdrückliche Zustimmung an Dritte weitergegeben.
2. Unsere Website verwendet Cookies ,
The best information on your computer is available. Cookies include all the text, then your Browser on this page is available. If you are on this website, this website will provide you with more information and personal information about it. You can use cookies in your browser to control them and cookies are also available.
3. External Details and Links
Unsere Website kann Links zu external Websites Dritter enthalten, sowie eingebettete Inhalte von Drittanbietern (z. B. Videos oder Soziale Medien). Bitte beachten See, dass der Besuch dieser external websites anderen Datenschutzchutzimmungen unterliegen kann, auf die wir keinen Einfluss haben.
4. Data density
Wir ergreifen geeignete technische und organisatorische Maßnahmen, um Ihre Daten vorlust, Miss brauch oder unbefugtem Zugriff zu Schützen. This date will be available on your server and will be updated later.
5. Nutcracker rights
If this is the case, then the next day of the month When the date is on and off and on, the date on the day will be available, so that the date can be connected. Contact us for more information about what you have and what you need to know.
6. Find out more about this topic
Please be aware that this method is suitable for you and your family. This aktualisierte Datenschutzerklärung tritt mit ihrer Veröffentlichung auf der Website in Kraft. In other words, this data can be used again.
7. Contact
Bei Fragen oder Bedenken bezüglich unserer Datenschutzerklärung oder der Verarbeitung Ihrer Daten können Sie unter [] kontaktieren.
Wir schätzen das vertrauen, das Sie uns entgegenbringen, und wir werden Ihre personenbezogenen Daten sorgfältig und verantwortungsbewusst behandeln. Durch die Nutzung unserer Website stimmen Sie dieser Datenschutzerklärung zu.
Data protection
We attach great importance to the protection of your personal data and would like to use this data protection declaration to explain how we collect, process and store your data when you use our website. Please take a moment to read the following information carefully:
1. Collection and processing of personal data a. When visiting our website:
- When you visit our website, our servers automatically store some technical data, including your IP address, browser type, pages visited and length of visit. This data is only used for statistical purposes and to improve our website.
b. When using contact forms: - If you fill out our contact forms, we collect the data you enter (eg name, e-mail address, message). This data will only be used to process your request and will not be passed on to third parties without your express consent.
2. Cookies Our website uses cookies,
to store certain information on your computer. Cookies are small text files that are stored on your hard drive by your browser. They help us to make the website more efficient and to offer you a personalized experience. You can control the use of cookies in your browser settings and refuse cookies as you wish.
3. External Services and Links
Our website may contain links to external third-party websites, as well as embedded third-party content (eg videos or social media). Please note that visiting these external websites may be subject to different privacy policies over which we have no control.
4. Data Security
We take appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your data from loss, misuse or unauthorized access. Your data will be stored on secure servers and will only be used for the purposes stated above.
5. User Rights
You have the right to receive information about the data we have stored about you and can request that your data be corrected or deleted, provided that there are no legal storage requirements to the contrary. Contact us for more information about your rights and how to exercise these rights.
6. Changes to the Privacy Policy
We reserve the right to change this privacy policy at any time. The updated privacy policy comes into effect when it is published on the website. It is your responsibility to regularly review the privacy policy.
7. Contact
If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy policy or the processing of your data, you can contact us at [].
We appreciate the trust you place in us and we will treat your personal information carefully and responsibly. By using our website, you agree to this data protection declaration.